Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Top 5 Nutritious Food for Bike Riders

A proper nutrition is essential for any sports activity but more so cycling. For you to enjoy riding, you need energy and hydration. You can easily get this from a proper meal.

People often ask: which is the best nutrition for a cyclist?

The reason for this question is that there’s so much information in regards to cyclist’s nutrition which makes it tricky to know what works. Below are the suggested nutritious foods to eat.

1. Carbohydrates

This works as your body fuel. It’s the bodies primary source of energy. The required amount of carbohydrates is stored in the muscles then the rest is stored as body fat. Your body then utilizes this fat as calories when you are depleted of carbohydrates.

While carbohydrates have received a bad reputation, the right amount at the right time works well for a cyclist. The amount you should take in a week is dependent on the miles you ride per week. You could use about 5-9 grams of carbohydrate for every kilo you weigh in a day.

Alternatively, when you are about 2-3 hours away from riding consume a fist size of low glycemic carbohydrates. Don’t be tempted to take a large serving as this may accumulate and increase your weight. Low glycemic carbohydrates digestion is rapid. You may use energy drinks during the ride.

The food you believe that gives you carbohydrates aren’t the same. They have completely different impacts on your energy levels. Some foods may take longer to break down while others may give you more energy than you need.

  • Choose wholegrains slow release carbohydrates for ultimate energy through your ride.
  • Oats, some vegetables and fruits are also great sources of rich carbohydrates.
  • Coconut oil is a healthy kind of fat for your body that will quickly convert to energy.
  • Rye bread toast, scrambled eggs and porridge is good to give you quick energy.
  • Use bananas too before the ride and corn flakes or rice crisps after the ride.

2. Enough calories

As a cyclist or anyone in the different kinds of sports, your calories level requirement increases. However, don’t overconsume the calorie-rich food.

The problem is that when people are allowed to increase their calorie intake, they sometimes surpass the requirement. This works to their disadvantage.

How you calculate your additional calories is by counting the miles you take per day then calculating that with 40-50 calories. Assuming you have gone for 40 miles today, you should consume between 1600-2000 calories.

Expect to feel hungrier than you usually do when cycling because your body is looking for ways to feed the lost body fats.

  • Use some extra olive oil or canola oil when cooking your after cycling meal or hours before you go cycling.
  • Use the different kinds of nuts before riding or immediately after riding.
  • Make sandwiches that contain avocado. 
  • Eat some fatty fish like salmon every once a while.
  • Drink a cup of chocolate milk.
  • Use berries.
  • Carry your snacks along to use during your ride.

Nevertheless, if you are aiming at losing weight then try to reduce the calories intake.  Make it a reduction of about 250 calories. During intense training for your competitions though, just take in the calories because your body needs it.

3. Protein is good

Most people don’t think that protein is essential for sports activities. However, enough protein helps you maintain a healthy body with a bodybuilding characteristic. It’s essential for maintaining the tissues and thus helping in their quick recovery in case of an accident.

Remember, when training you use up your muscle and unless you eat enough protein to help in their recovery, you won’t replenish the damaged tissues. Note that, protein fills you up just the same way calorie-rich food does. So, increase your protein to keep your appetite at bay.

  • The richly fibred beans are a good source of protein aside from lean meat.
  • Use amaranth which is a healthy choice that is gluten-free. It will make your digestion easy and make recovering from injury fast.
  • Scallops and crabs are both rich in protein. The crab meat is responsible for lean muscle mass and omega 3 fatty acid. They are also rich in minerals that boost immunity.
  • Use chicken breasts, milk and eggs.

Here, limit the need to take red meat and processed ones as they are linked to various diseases. Just like your carbohydrate above, limit the amount you consume.

4. Use the right minerals and vitamins

There are 2 kinds of vitamins:

  • Water-soluble vitamins
  • Fat-soluble ones.

The fat-soluble ones which are stored in the body include vitamins A, D, K, & E. The water-soluble ones must be consumed daily for they aren’t stored in the body.

You also need small quantities of calcium, zinc and iron on a daily basis. You can source these nutrients from different veggies and fruits. If you can take five pieces of fruits and veggies per day you will protect your body against diseases while maintaining bone strength.

  • Use supplements like the vitamin c and iron or zinc in moderation to boost your body vitamin.
  • The celery sticks and beetroots will work best to produce Nitrate and other vitamins which you need for a wholesome body development.
  • Carrots, pineapples, cucumbers and tuna salad will give the vitamins and minerals you need.

5. Use different fluids

For a maintained focus and strength, you need to stay hydrated. A cyclist should take about 2 liters of water as they lose a lot of water cycling. For greater balance, use both the water and different kinds of fluids.

Always drink the water to cover for the weight you lost already. This will help you attain a body balance. Remember, the moment you get dehydrated, a slow in performance is expected. Therefore, carry enough bottles of water and fluids to cover for your lost fluids.

Fluids for cyclists

  • Zipvit sport elite: this drink works to reduce fatigue, stomach upset and cramping.
  • Eliver endure drink: it supports your muscles using the proteins, vital minerals and vitamins that it has.
  • Torq natural drink is your energy drink that contains no sweeteners or colors.
  • High 5 energy source 4:1 super carb: the drink is a pack of all the nutrient your body needs. The carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.


When you want to ride fast and steady you should buy the best single speed bikes. You also need the strength to cycle which you will consume from the above nutritious food.

The post Top 5 Nutritious Food for Bike Riders appeared first on Cooky Mom.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 10, 2018

What Does Saffron Taste Like? Understanding Its Magical, Expensive Allure!

Spices are among the most common thing you will find in a housewife kitchen.

However, not all spices can afford to be in anyone’s spice cabinet.

At a price range of $2,000 - $10,000 a pound, a spice known as saffron, is by far the most expensive food on the planet— way more than real balsamic vinegar, caviar, and truffles.

And with such price tag, not everyone knows exactly how it tastes like.So, most people would rather just ditch it all in all!

However, you need to know that saffron is a powerful flavored herb commonly used in gourmet dishes and is responsible for that distinctive bright yellow color of Indian biryanis, Spanish paella, French bouillabaisse, and Italian risottomilanese.

Yep, those mouth-watering dish carries an expensive secret within them that is extremely addictive and intoxicating!

But, what is saffron anyways?

Saffron is a spice.

But, what exactly is it?

Well, saffron is the stigma of Crocus Flower.

The term saffron points toward the stigma of a crocus flower, however, biologically speaking, the entire plant is saffron.

Crocus Flower is a perennial plant that is not found in the wild. Its scientific name is Crocus sativaand descended from “wild saffron” which are known to have originated in Greece. This perennial plant has flowers with fine threads and beautiful purple color threads, its style and stigma being crimson in color.

How and Where Are They Harvested?

Saffron flower blooms in a particularly regulated environment and requires a lot of hard work and care. It only has a 2-week time in which they can be harvested during the year and needs to be harvested by hand.

These flowers are delicate with each flower giving only 3 threads of saffron. The fibers are then collected, dried and later formed as the spice saffron, which provides a bright color to the dishes and recipes it is used in.

This is because of its carotenoid pigment inside called crocin. Due to its bright color, saffron is used as a food color and spice all over the world.

Around 90 percent of the world’s total saffron produce came from Iran. These flowers thrive in areas of the Mediterranean maquis and are mostly grown in lands with the dry summer breeze. However, it can also withstand cold temperatures of up to -10 degrees. Crocus flowers show their best growth when basking in the bright sun and only flowers in mid-autumn.

What’s With The Price?

On average, a single flower of crocus can yield 30mg of fresh saffron. So, in order to obtain 1 gram of saffron, around 150 crocus flowers are needed. Furthermore, a significant amount of effort and labor is required since they need to be harvested by hands.

Taking the large amountsintoaccount, it takes a lot of time and effort. Thus, making saffron delicate and extremely expensive.

How About The Taste?

There is no spice more special than saffron in terms of flavor. It has this subtly grassy and earthy aroma and flavor, as well as the similar, sweet floral and honey. With an unmistakable flavor and scent, this spice straddles savory and sweetness effortlessly and grants a prominent golden hue to every dish recipe it graces.

Just a few threads of saffron can transform a lengthy list of dishes and adds a mysterious, magical allure to everything from milk puddings and risottos to fish stews and rich curries.

But, Is It Worth The Cost?

Because of its dizzying price tag, most people turn the other way around. However, saffron is a contentious ingredient. To those who look for authenticity, will never cook a classic saffron-based recipe without this spice. And people with very sensitive palates will argue that saffron adds a unique flavor which you cannot find anywhere else in the world! To such people, that one strand or a little pinch of saffron will make or break the dish, therefore it is worth the high cost.

However, if you are not into those kinds of things, then there are other spices out there you can use to replicate its yellow glow and flavor without breaking the bank.

How To Use Saffron?

After the pain of closing your eyes as you give thousands of dollars to the cashier for a tiny bag of saffron, you might be wondering what you should do with it.

Well, the most classic use of saffron is rice dishes: paellas, pilafs,and risottos. Just a pinch brings brilliant flavor, aroma,and color against the bland grains.

Dessert is another classical use, and this spice can go anywhere vanilla does like cookies and custards. It is also best on vegetables and light meat like poultry, onions,and cauliflower.

In general cooking, saffron is best added early on cooking so that its flavor can fuse to the other ingredients. In case there is already water in the pan, then just crumble the threads or soak them in a tablespoon of water for 10 minutes before adding.If you need the delicate flavor to really come, then keep other seasonings and flavor to a minimum.

Golden Thoughts

The thing with saffron is that every one of us has varying opinions about its taste, thanks to its varying flavor when used. So, you will not know for sure until you try it out for yourself. With so many health benefits saffron can also be added as a spice by juicing it using the best masticating juicer and mixing it with your favorite fruits to get a great concoction.

Whether you use it as the star or a supporting player of your dish, saffron is worth getting to know. This quality stuff is easier to find now than ever, and purchasing an ounce or gram is such an affordable luxury that will surely payfor itself over and over again.

Do you have something on your mind? Feel free to voice it out at the comment section below!

Until then, have fun creating luxurious golden dishes with saffron!

The post What Does Saffron Taste Like? Understanding Its Magical, Expensive Allure! appeared first on Cooky Mom.

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 10, 2018

Love Coffee? Find the Best Coffee Grinders/Machines for the Perfect Brew

It is for sure that you want to start your day with a good refreshing cup of coffee. It sometimes happens that the coffee that you can have from the market fails to offer that perfect brew which you would love to have while sipping the coffee cup. You may feel frustrated but as you love coffee you try hard to find a way out to have the best of coffee. As you read through you would know ways to have such coffee which would satisfy your culinary taste.

The Way Out To Have A Better Tasting Cup Of Coffee

You may be thinking about how to have the best cup of coffee. The best way is to have coffee grinders which would help you to have the best of coffee which would make the cup more like that which you desire to have. You may be thinking what difference such maker should make to happen. Yes, let us have a look at some of those differences.

Have coffee which is not stale: You generally buy coffee from the market which is pre-grounded. It may be so that such coffee powder may have gone stale long before you bought those and the ultimate result is that you have a cup of coffee which is not the one that you wish to have.

The way out is to have the best coffee machine which will grind your coffee just before you make it. So, there would not be any instance of having a stale coffee which can happen when you buy that from the market. You will definitely love the aroma of the coffee that is instantly grounded and made by the single serve coffee makers that you have in your house. Blue Mountain Coffee is the best-tasting coffee in the world. Jamaican Blue Mountain is also amongst the most expensive coffee beans available on the market.

Way to the perfect grinds size: As you are a lover of coffee you must be aware that there is some predetermined grind size of coffee which is required for the different recipes that you intend to make. The coffee from the market can not only be stale but also may not match the perfect grind size that you desire to have. The best of grinders have availability of different sizes which you can easily select according to the requirement that you have.

Have options for different brewing methods: You must be having different nature of coffee making machines at your house. These machines would be requiring different natures of coffee for having the perfect brew. So, you need to buy different coffee for all the machines that you have.

The best alternative is to buy a grinding machine and a bag of coffee beans and grind it exactly according to the size that best suits the coffee machines that you have at disposal. You will be saving time and money in a way by having such grinding machine at the house.

Consistent taste:  It may so happen that the cups of coffee that you have all along the day do not taste the same. Sometimes it may be bitter and sometimes sour. Yes, that happens if you have purchased a grinder which is not of quality. In such grinders, the grinding size would not be perfect and you will get a mixture of sizes which would lead to coffee cups tasting different.

So, when you intend to buy a grinder select the best even though if you have to spend a few dollars more and have the best of taste.

Control the taste: You must have the desire to improve the taste of the espresso that you daily have. You may be having the best of espresso machines but if the grind of the coffee is not the best then you cannot have that effective control over the taste of the espresso. There are various factors which play a part in making the perfect taste of the espresso.

You can tackle all such factors if you have the best of the grinder and have the ability to make the espresso taste like the one that you desire.

So, it can be said with certainty that you now understand why to have a coffee grinder. Yes, this amazing machine would make your cup of coffee taste as the one that you would love to have a sip at.

How To Have The Best Of Grinder

As you now understand the importance of grinders you have to decide how to have the best in order to have a perfectly tasting coffee. There are basically two types of grinders that you can have—burr and blade. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let us have a look at those.

Blade Grinders: These grinders have blades which slice the beans of coffee and give you the perfect grind size. You have to run the machine for some time depending on the fineness of the grind that you desire to have. Some even have timers which allow you to set according to the grind size.

The advantage of this nature of grinder is that they are cheap and good for one who has just started to grind coffee beans. There are disadvantages too. The grind size had from such grinder is not uniform and such uneven grind may lead to difficulty in making the perfect espresso or Turkish coffee.

Burr Grinders: This nature of grinder has two burrs. One of those remains still and the other rotates with the help of a rooter. This machine does not slice the coffee beans but crushes them. Using such a coffee grinder you can expect to have an even grind as compared to blade grinders.

The advantages are that it offers precision, consistency in grinding size and gives you a control over the size of the grind. Price is the foremost disadvantage of this nature of grinder. They are heavy and consume more energy adding to the disadvantage of this nature of grinder.

There are some other points to consider when you desire to have the best of the grinder. You need to consider the setting that you can do with the grinder regarding the grind size, the options of dosing, size of the hopper and the speed.

So, now you can easily select the best of the grinder to have a cup of coffee which is just the one that you wish to have.

The post Love Coffee? Find the Best Coffee Grinders/Machines for the Perfect Brew appeared first on Cooky Mom.

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Best Popcorn Kernels Reviews 2018: Top 5+ Recommended

Watching in the movie theater?

Streaming your favorite TV series on Netflix?

Maybe just want some tasty, crunchy snacks?

A buttery salted popcorn would be the perfect food for you right now, don’t you think?

And although you can buy cooked popcorns in stores or around the movie house, when you are preparing for a late date night with your family, then there is nothing more convenient than having the best popcorn kernels stored somewhere in your kitchen cabinets.

Not only do you have the fun in popping out those corn kernels, but you also get hot and freshly cooked popcorns for movie date nights!

So, why not stack up with the best popcorn kernels right now?

Popping History of Popcorns

So, you might be having fun watching those popcorns pop. But do you ever wonder why they pop?

The answer is in the corn kernel.

Popcorns come from a variety of corn known as “maize” which produces small kernels with outer shells that are hard. When cooking, the moisture from the kernel steams the pot, causing the outer shell to burst, creating a popping sound and releases a soft inner flake.

Hence, the name popcorn!

In terms of the popcorn’s history, maize first arrived over 2,500 years ago, during the pre-Columbian age. However, in the early 1800s, it was found growing in Mississippi. Indigenous people domesticated in throughout the US and become a good source of nutritional starch as well as food stock for pig fatteners.

The very first popping of popcorns appeared in the year 1820 when the very first popcorn was sold on the east side of America. After 20 years, popcorn has become the favorite snack in the American culture.

Types of Popcorn


Yep, you’ve read it right!

Popcorn kernels actually differ in flavor, size and color profile.

But don’t get confused!

They are still the yummy snacks that you love to munch on during movie marathons!

In general, kernels are divided into 2 varieties— yellow and white.

Here’s the difference between them:

1. Yellow Popcorn

Yellow popcorn pops, well, a yellow tint. In general, this type of popcorn can be seen being sold at movie houses since it apparently looks more buttery and provides a more distinctive corn flavor, with some individuals describing it as “nutty”.

Yellow popcorns also range in size. Baby yellow popcorn pops slightly smaller than others while extra large caramel and big yellow popcorn pop larger. Bigger ones are great for mixing with glazes, seasoning, and flavors.

2. White Popcorns

White popcorns pop up a sparkling white (duh). It is a bit smaller when compared to the yellow variant and it has a pure and neutral popcorn flavor which goes great with flavors such as sour cream, barbecue, cheese, and chocolate. (Yes, CHOCOLATE!)

A salty popcorn with a sweet rich chocolate flavor is heaven to munch on, just so you know!

White popcorns have the following sub-varieties:

  • Tender & White
  • Sweet Baby Blue
  • Baby white
  • Lady Finger

Some Popcorn Characteristics

Now that we have covered the 2 types of popcorn, I want to show you next to the different characteristics of popcorns:

1. Butterfly-Shaped or Winged Popcorn

It is not a variety of popcorn, but a shape that certain types of popcorn take when it is cooked. If you want toppings and granulated seasoning to coat and stick to every piece of popcorn, then winged popcorns are the best at it!

Butterfly-shaped popcorns can take your seasoning from every nooks and cranny even flaps they have.

2. Hulless Popcorn

Some individuals describe this popcorn as “hulless”.

While all corns have hulls, there is some popcorn with more hulls and some have less.

You know that solid thing that lies at the bottom of your popcorn bag or the hard thingy that gets stuck in between your teeth

Those are hulls.

If you are very much annoyed with picking stuck hulls in between your teeth, then choose a variety which produces less. Typically, the smaller the kernel, the thinner the hull is and the lesser chances of it getting stuck in between your teeth.

Hulless varieties include Tender and White, Vintage Red, Midnight Blue, Lady Finger, Baby Yellow, and Baby White.

3. Mushroom Shapes

As its name implies, mushroom-shaped popcorns pop a round and more solid popcorn, similar to the head of a mushroom. This popcorn shape is suitable for chocolate or caramel glazed popcorns.

It is much stronger than the winged popcorn type since it keeps its shape even under pressure of applying the glazed and heavy coating and will not easily crumble down when mixed with flavorings and seasonings.

Popping Popcorn in 3 Easy Ways

So, let’s talk about the fun part— how to pop a popcorn? Here are 3 easy ways in popping those crunchy corn kernels!

1. Popping on the Stove

You can popcorn kernels on the stove using your usual cooking pan or pot. Just pour some oil into the pan or pan and put on medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot enough, add the corn kernels. Cover the pan or pot and wait until you hear the popping sound. You will know when it’s ready when the popping sound stops.

Put the hot popcorn into a wide bowl and add salt or butter if you want.

2. Microwave Popcorn

The easiest way to cook popcorn is using the microwave. Just put a paper bag filled with popcorn kernels in the microwave. Heat the microwave at maximum power for around 90 seconds. When the timer is up, you can now enjoy your favorite popcorn!

3. Using Hot Air Poppers

Hot air popper, also known as popcorn maker is a machine used or popping corn kernels which blow hot air through the holes in the container holding the kernels. This is a much healthier way of popping corn kernels since it does not require any oil to cook.

These popcorn machines emerged in the late 1970s for commercial use, however, small-scale hot air poppers for home use became available in the most recent decades. Popping corn kernels in a hot air popper is quite simple:

  • Add the corn kernels into the popper.
  • Turn the machine on and place a bowl below the spout of the popcorn maker.
  • Wait until all corn kernels pop.
  • Add butter and salt to taste

The Good in Eating Popcorn

If you are going to eat some snacks, then it is better you choose healthy snacks. And while it usually means replacing processed potato chips with a bowl of apple or carrot slices, an occasional bag of popcorn is not such a bad idea.

Popcorns are lighter on the stomach than most popular snack foods. There are numerous studies which have confirmed that the kernel hulls of popcorns possess a higher amount of polyphenols than most fruits.

Polyphenols help in developing strong tissue as well as preventing various types of cellular deterioration which can lead to cancer, liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, polyphenols are a great form of antioxidant, meaning popcorns can help in giving your skin a youthful glow.

Other than that, popcorn also nourishes your body by way of whole grains. Whole grains are packed with B vitamins as well as fiber, minerals, protein and vitamin E. For instance, one cup of popcorn contains around 1 gram of fiber. Food rich in fiber are proven to reduce cholesterol, thus minimizing the risk of particular heart illnesses including arrhythmia and diabetes.

Things to Consider When Buying a Popcorn Kernel

All these talks about popcorns might have made you crave for popcorns and you might already be dressed and ready to go out to get some kernels from your local store to munch on.


Before you do that, you need to consider a few things in order to help you buy the best popcorn kernels out there!

1. The Packaging

Like any other edible materials, it is crucial that the popcorn kernels have good packaging in order to ensure safe storage for your popcorns. Choose popcorn kernels in resealable bags or containers with airtight lids since they can help in preserving the freshness of the popcorn kernels.

The packaging also needs to have a readable and clear description of nutritional facts for you to be aware of certain ingredients you might be allergic to.

2. Amount Per Pack

You also need to consider the number of popcorn kernels in each packet. You do not want to buy a large number of popcorn kernels that you might not be able to finish by yourself. Also, you do not want to buy packets with too little kernels for a big family and running out of popcorn snacks right before you can even start your favorite TV shows!

You need to assess how many ounces of popcorn kernels you need and stock up your kitchen accordingly so there is no shortage or wasted popcorns.

3. Kernel Variety

There are various types of popcorn kernels and we all have our own preference. You can usually find white and yellow popcorn kernels in the market, however, there are also purple, red and blue ones if you wish to explore the textures and flavors of different popcorns. Each popcorn variety has their own unique size, amount of hulls, texture, and flavors you can experiment on.

4. Regular Kernels VS. Seasoned Kernels

If you want the greatest freedom in taste, then choosing regular, unseasoned popcorn kernels is the right one for you since you will be the one to decide which seasoning you can add on it.

However, if you want an easy and quick preparation, then go for popcorn kernels with seasoning and oils. All you need to do is to add these kernels to your pan, a microwave of the electric popper, wait for them to pop, and you’re ready to munch!

The Top 5 Best Popcorn Kernels 2018

#1: Franklin’s Gourmet Popcorn Organic Popping Corn

Franklin’s Gourmet Popcorn Organic Popping Corn


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Our rating

A popular brand of popcorn kernels, Franklin’s Gourmet offers this 7 pounds tub of certified organic popping corn kernels for you and your family. Franklin’s Gourmet has created popcorn products for too long and these popcorn kernels are non-GMO popping corns which are grown from Iowa and then packaged at Wisconsin— from true farm to your table, guaranteeing only the freshest popcorns out there!

Franklin’s Gourmet Popcorn Organic Popping Corn might not be the cheapest you can find in the market today, however, it makes up with its freshness and heavenly taste! If this promise is not fulfilled, you can have your money back, no questions asked!

What We Like

  • Pops really well
  • Non-GMO and organic popcorn kernels
  • Fresh from corn farms
  • Reputable brand
  • Enough for the whole family

What We Don't Like

  • Thick hulls
  • Popcorn is stale
  • Corn is too dry

#2: Kauffman’s Fruit Farm Non-GMO Red Popcorn

Kauffman’s Fruit Farm Non-GMO Red Popcorn


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Our rating

If you have tried both yellow and white popcorns, then you might have been wanting to try something new! Well, look no more! Bring home this RED popcorn kernels from Kauffman’s Fruit Farm!

Being red in color, you might be scared to try it out since you might think that these are artificially colored or genetically modified— but these popcorn kernels are not! This red popcorn kernels are certified non-GMO and is grown by Amish Country Popcorn.

It is naturally cross-bred in order to produce the bright red color that is quite similar to Medium White. These red popcorn kernels have less flaky hulls, so you can enjoy eating it without any hulls getting stuck between your teeth. It pops meaty and fluffy white every time, and you got a lot of option for dressing and seasoning it up.

What We Like

  • Non-GMO
  • Naturally cross-bred
  • Less flaky hulls
  • Bright red color

What We Don't Like

  • Packaging bags could have been better

#3: Orville Redenbacher’s Yellow Gourmet Popcorn Kernels

Orville Redenbacher’s Yellow Gourmet Popcorn Kernels


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Our rating

In terms of popcorn brands, Orville will always have a place among the best. Why? Because they create high-quality popcorn that offers great taste and freshness. This Non-GMO Yellow Popcorn kernels are delicious and pack a lot of crunches you will surely love!

The kernel size is suitable for popcorn poppers which can help save you effort and time in making these tasty popcorns at home. You can purchase from 5 to 11 pounds of kernels, depending on your craving needs.

Another great thing about this popcorn kernels is its container. It is built solidly so you can reuse it for other purposes when you finished all your corn kernels. It also has a hollow handle so you will not feel cheated by tricky packaging.

What We Like

  • Hulls stay attached to popped kernels
  • Certified non-GMO
  • The container is easy to store and reusable
  • Tasty and fresh popcorns
  • Comes in 5 to 11 pounds of kernels

What We Don't Like

  • Some corn kernels do not pop
  • Some kernels can get stuck on the hollow handle
  • Popcorn may become stale before you can even use it

#4: Country Harvest Popcorn 4-Ounce Poppers

Country Harvest Popcorn 4-Ounce Poppers


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Our rating

The Country Harvest Popcorn Kernels comes in a pre-measured serving for you to easily make popcorns one batch at a time. The packaging also features a tri-pack system which has the seasoning and oil in separate compartments. This is particularly useful when you do not know how much oils or seasoning you need to add in order for the popcorns to taste great.

This popcorn offers a slight tint of yellow color from the hull and produces large fluffs for a crunchy experience. It also has a slightly nutty flavor, particularly peanut or walnut flavoring, although there are no nuts included in the ingredients. This popcorn kernels are gluten-free, non-GMO and are directly sourced from local farms which ensures its freshness and tastiness.

What We Like

  • High level of crunchiness
  • Comes with seasoning and oils
  • Pre-measured
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Clear nutritional facts at the back of the packet

What We Don't Like

  • Kernels are expensive per ounce than other types of popcorn kernels
  • Features a plastic bag which is hard to handle

#5: Franklin’s Gourmet Movie Theater Popcorn

Franklin’s Gourmet Movie Theater Popcorn


  • Quality
  • Price
  • Our rating

If you are looking for a strictly organic popcorn kernel which uses no animal fat and contains no gluten or non-GMO, with the added requirements of packets being pre-measured for smaller portions, then these 2-ounce popcorn packets from Franklin’s Gourmet would be your best choice.

The compact popcorn packets include 3 compartments which separate the kernels, seasoning, and oils and are the best for making home popcorns or can be tossed in your camping bag for making popcorns outdoors.

Other than being Gluten-free, non-GMO, and certified organic, these popcorn kernels are also peanut-free, soy-free, Vegan and Kosher, so you can make it for your guests or family without having to worry about the chances of someone being allergic to particular ingredients. The included oil is 100% coconut oil and is measured to be just the right amount for healthier and tasty popcorns you can munch on!

What We Like

  • Nutritional facts and instructions in cooking the popcorn are clearly given at the back of the packets
  • Pre-measured 2 oz. portions of kernels
  • Pre-measured seasoning and oils in separate containers
  • Organic and non-GMO
  • Free of soy, peanut, gluten
  • Vegan popcorn

What We Don't Like

  • Its size may not be enough for a large group of people

The Popping King

And now, the popcorn kernel that has the biggest “pop” would be…Franklin’s Gourmet Movie Theater Popcorn!

Being gluten-free, peanut-free, soy-free, vegan, certified non-GMO and organic popcorn, t is pretty much the safest and healthiest option among the 5 popcorn kernels! Also, it comes with the needed healthy seasoning, so you can just toss it to the pot or popcorn maker, wait for the popping fun and you can go on and munch it right away!

Popping Thoughts

A bowl of popcorn is among the best snacks there is— from movie marathons to camping snacks to late night talks. And although this delicious snack can be bought ready-made, there is nothing more fun than making it yourself at homes and hearing that popping sound and heavenly smell!

So, what are you waiting for? Get one of the best popcorn kernels mentioned above and treat your family to a large bowl of popcorns this evening!

What’s that? You know some tasty popcorn kernels I don’t know about? Feel free to share it with us so we can experience the goodness! Just hit up the comment section below!

Until then, have a fun, popping time!

The post Best Popcorn Kernels Reviews 2018: Top 5+ Recommended appeared first on Cooky Mom.